Monday 27 March 2017

Gift Yourself a Frying Pan this Gudi Padwa!

Gudi Padwa is an auspicious time when people shop lots of things for their home and some even buy gold. If you don’t need gold but wouldn’t mind investing in something that comes to use daily, then get yourself a good frying pan. Not only does it help you in your day to day cooking, but will also help you prepare a special meal for Gudi Padwa.
The best thing about buying a frying pan around Gudi Padwa is, that you will get some great discounts. And in case you don’t want one for yourself, a good frying pan makes for an excellent gift too. If you are new to the world of the kitchen, keep reading to know how to choose the best frying pan:
The frying pan is not chosen wisely, it won’t cook your food evenly or it may contain the harmful PFOA and Teflon, which don’t just leave a metallic taste in your food but also are the reason behind some serious health issues in the long run. Hence, always try and buy the best frying pan as it not only ensures that cooking is easy, food is tasty but also ensures a healthy cooking.
This plays an important role too. If you have a big family, you will need a big pan and vice versa. Also, if you’re just making an omelette, then buying a smaller pan makes sense. So, it’s always good to own different sizes of pans. 
Depending on the type of cooktop you have at home, you will decide on which material frying pan would you need. Some pans are just gas friendly so in case you have an induction cooktop, you will need a different frying pan. The most comment materials are Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Iron and Copper.
Once you keep all these points your mind, deciding which frying pan to buy this Gudi Padwa, becomes easier.